Advantages - CLIN technology is often used as alternative to other surface engineering processes such as
- Case Hardening, Carbonitriding or Carburizing
- Galvanic layers
- Plasma or Gas Nitrocarburizing
Thanks to the excellent corrosion resistance CLIN treated carbon steel can replace stainless steel.

compared to Case Hardening, Carbonitriding or Carburizing
- Low distortion due to lower treatment temperature
- No need for further machining operations
- Superior adhesive wear resistance thanks to ceramic characteristics of the surface
- Hot strength up to 400 °C
compared to Galvanic Layers
- Excellent corrosion protection in alkaline or neutral environment
- Superior adhesive wear resistance thanks to ceramic characteristics of the surface
- Neither peeling or flaking as the layer is formed directly from the base material
- No micro cracks
- No need for grinding operation after treatment
- Low coefficient of fricton
- Free of Cr6+
compared to Plasma or Gas Nitrocarburizing
- Superior corrosion and wear resistance in high volume production
- Low distortion thanks to the quick and very constant heat transfer by the liquid
- Excellent reproducibility and constancy of the treatment results
- Very robust process as the precleaning results do not play such an important role
- Easy to control because only few parameters have to be considered
- Shortest cycle times as CLIN offers the highest Nitrogen potential
- Meets the environmental legislation and standards without problems
on mild steel compared to the usage of stainless steel
- Cost reduction
- Superior wear resistance
- Lower coefficient of friction
- Inhibit fretting corrosion